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Trade union


The primary trade union organization of GU Belsportobespechenie

The primary trade union organization of the State Institution Belsportobespechenie is part of the structure of the Belarusian Trade Union of Cultural, Information, Sports and Tourism Workers.

The activities of the trade union organization are regulated by the Charter of the Belarusian Trade Union of Cultural, Information, Sports and Tourism Workers.

The trade union organization has been registered in accordance with the established procedure. Certificate of state registration No. 443, issued on the basis of the decision of the Administration of the Sovetsky District of Minsk dated March 9, 2011 No. 216.

Registered with the Tax Inspectorate with the assignment of a taxpayer account number (hereinafter referred to as the UNP) 101394931, with the Fund for Social Protection of the Population with the assignment of the registration number of the insured 521028364, with the BRUSP Belgosstrakh with the assignment of the registration number of the insurant 500053455.

Protocol No. 12 of 23.06.2017 of the State Institution Belsportobespechenie approved the Regulations on the Primary Trade Union Organization of the Institution.

Activities of the Trade Union

According to the statistical reporting data, as of January 01, 2024, 90 members of the trade union are registered with the PPO of the State Institution Belsportobespechenie (with a total number of employees of 95 people).

The Establishment has a Collective Agreement concluded between employees and the employer of the state institution Belsportobespechenie dated March 29, 2024, registered with the Administration of the Sovetsky District of Minsk on April 03, 2024 under No. 3609.

Trade Union Committee

In accordance with the Collective Agreement, the trade union organization of the Establishment :
The primary trade union organization of the state institution Belsportobespechenie keeps records of trade union members, issues certificates stating that the employee is a member of the trade union and is registered with the trade union organization, about the period for paying membership dues.
Electronic Appeal
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