- room 117, 35 Ya. Kolas st., 220013, Minsk
- +375(17) 357-17-18
- +375(17) 378-32-19 (fax)
Company Details
- UNN 100267108
Working hours of the cash desk for clients
- Mn - Thu: 08:30-10:3013:45-17:00
- Fri: 08:30-10:3013:45-16:00
Send us a message
Departments Contacts
Markovsky Roman Viktorovich
- +375(17) 357-17-18 (reception)
- +375(17) 378-32-19 (fax)
Priemko Ekaterina Alexandrovna
Deputy Director for Main Activities
- +375(17) 378-54-25
Lagodich Andrey Petrovich
Deputy director
- +375(17) 379-04-98
Grigarovich Tatyana Orovna
Chief Accountant
- +375(17) 379-62-20
Botyanovskaya Natalya Timofeevna
Deputy Chief Accountant
- +375(17) 243-91-73
Antonevich Irina Alexandrovna
Head of Economics and
Planning Department
- +375(17) 378-47-08
Beresnevich Andrey Yurievich
Head of Material and Technical Department for National Teams
- +375(17) 270-74-18
Petrushenya Andrey Fyodorovich
Head of Information Support
- +375(17) 319-47-57
Tebekina Yulia Vladimirovna
Head of the Hotel Department
- +375(17) 378-09-87 (fax)
Gerasimchuk Sergey Vladimirovich
Head of Supply Department
- +375(17) 378-47-08
Tkachuk Konstantin Ivanovich
Head of the Transport Department
- +375(17) 357-47-09
Sidor Svetlana Anatolievna
Head of Sports Events Department
- +375(17) 361-33-06
Prygicheva Inna Iosifovna
Head of the department for organizing and holding sports events
- +375(17) 271-53-53