An open competition in draughts-100 “Minsk-2022” was held in the capital’s RCOP in chess and checkers.
49 drafts players of different age categories competed for high places.
The following athletes became the winners
- 1st place: Maria Chesnokova
- 2nd place: Anna Kulman
- 3rd place: Victoria Nikolaeva
- 1st place: Georgy Vyderko
- 2nd place: Anna Kulman
- 3rd place: Evgeny Zhukovsky
Mini Cadets:
- 1st place: Yulia Kalmakova
- 2nd place: Ivan Borodich
- 3rd place: Pavel Lagutkov
Overall score:
- 1st place: Ivan Kostunov
- 2nd place: Yuri Tsimanovich
- 3rd place: Andrey Kalmakov